Speakers and Program
Keynote Speakers
Harold H. Schmitz
Chief Science Officer, Mars, Inc.
A 20-year veteran at Mars, Visiting Professor Harold Schmitz has been chief science officer since 2005. His responsibilities include strategy development, program alignment and quality control of the company’s multidisciplinary scientific research programs. He has previously held various positions within Mars in scientific and regulatory affairs, fundamental research, analytical and applied sciences and corporate functions.
André Laperrière
Executive Director, Secretariat for GODAN--Global Open Data for Agriculture and Nutrition
With an extensive background in data-driven strategy related to agriculture, policy, international economic development, Mr. Laperrière leads the Global Open Data for Agriculture and Nutrition initiative that seeks to support global efforts to make agricultural and nutritionally relevant data available, accessible, and usable for unrestricted use worldwide to solve long-standing global problems related to food.
Daphne Miller
Family Physician and Author, WholeFamilyMD
Practicing family physician, Clinical Professor at UCSF and Lecturer at UC Berkeley, Daphne Miller’s research and writing bridges health care and food production. Her most recent book Farmacology: Total Health from the Ground Up focuses on the connections between soil health and human health. Her work aims to reduce the health footprint of our current food system.
November 6
What is the internet of food (IoF) and why do we need it?
8:00 - 8:45 AM
Registration & Breakfast
8:45 - 9:00 AM
Matthew Lange
Founder, IC-FOODS
Dr. Lange is well versed in food, biological, and health sciences as well as cutting edge food, beverage, information and education technologies. He guides teams toward design, build, and implementation of knowledge environs enabling end-users to make new and insightful discoveries, create new products, and improve human living conditions.
9:00 - 9:30 am
Harold H. Schmitz
Chief Science Officer, Mars, Inc.
A 20-year veteran at Mars, Visiting Professor Harold Schmitz has been chief science officer since 2005. His responsibilities include strategy development, program alignment and quality control of the company’s multidisciplinary scientific research programs. He has previously held various positions within Mars in scientific and regulatory affairs, fundamental research, analytical and applied sciences and corporate functions.
9:30 - 10:30 AM
Session 1: the LANGUAGE of food
How might our everyday language about food become computable ? Can we enable increased transparency, traceability, trust--and effect positive behavior change?
June Jo Lee
Food Enthnographer LLC
June Jo Lee is a food ethnographer and food culture strategist providing strategic consumer insights to large companies. She is also the Co-founder of Readers to Eaters, a children’s book publisher promoting food literacy through good stories and a deep appreciation of food cultures.
Leticia Landa
Deputy Director, La Cocina
Leticia Landa is passionate about empowering low-income, mostly immigrant entrepreneurs as they begin and grow small food businesses.
10:30 - 11:00 AM
11:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Session 2: EDUCATION
What are the greatest challenges shared by our food and education system?
Vice President, Agriculture & Natural Resources at University of California
Ms. Humiston brings over 30 years of experience working with and advocating for sustainable agriculture.
CEO at eXtension
Christine Geith specializes in creating business models for online and blended learning and learning experience design and production.
12:00 - 12:15 PM
Innovation Showcase: extension / eduworks
12:15 - 1:15 PM
Jeffersonian Lunch
Let's gather with a purpose and create transformative connections over a Jeffersonian-style lunch whose goal is to build community and exchange ideas.
Douglas Gayeton
Chief Meliorist, Lexicon of Sustainability
Lexicon of Sustainability project reinvigorates the climate conversation by providing people with a powerful set of tools that explain the interconnectedness between food, water and energy, and show that by changing these systems (and our use of these resources) we can reverse climate change.
1:15 - 2:15 PM
Session 3: Law
How can the semantic web of food data affect and inform food policy?
Eugene Sisman (moderator)
Intellect Property Officer, UC Davis
Eugene Sisman is an Intellectual Property Officer with UCD Innovation Access, the technology transfer office for the UCD campus, where he manages inventions mostly in the areas of food and ag. He is an attorney and, prior to coming to UCD, has worked in one capacity or another in pharmaceuticals, cancer research, stem cell therapies, and cardiology, among others.
Allison Hagey
Attorney, BraunHagey & Borden LLP
Allison Hagey is an executive with extensive track record in developing and executing large-scale projects in the food and agriculture industries. She is a nationally-recognized leader, key note speaker, advocate, and author on food, agriculture, health policy, and equity.
Margot Pollans
Faculty Director, Pace-NRDC Food Law Initiative
Margot is the Founder and Director of the Pace-NRDC Food Law Initiative, which seeks to expand access to legal services for farmers, food entrpreneurs, and food justice NGOs. Her research focuses on environmental regulation of food production and food systems reform.
2:15 - 2:30 PM
2:30 - 3:45 PM
Session 4: global STANDARDS
In what ways might the Internet of Food help align international food and agriculture standards?
Global Forum on Agricultural Research (GFAR)
Valeria oversees the Global Map of Data Standards about open data and ontologies for GODAN and the FAO
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL)
Suzi develops international infrastructures used by governments and corporations for collection, analysis, visualization and interpretation of genetic knowledge.
3:45 - 4:00 PM
Innovation Showcase: AgVoice
4:00 - 5:00 PM
Session 5: interrogating food molecules
How can an Internet of Food enable scientists to share information about food composition? How can we use this information to drive development of new technologies capable of assessing food quality on-site and in real-time?
Anita Oberholster
Extension Specialist in Enology, UC Davis
Anita Oberholster specializes in wine chemistry and the effect of sustainable growing practices and environmental factors. She also focuses on winemaking techniques and has assigned language to molecules, thinking specifically about the mouthfeel wheel.
Daniela Barile
Associate Professor, UC Davis
Daniela Barile’s research focuses on functional glycomics, particularly in combining an understanding of the chemical and biological properties of food components with analytics and engineering to characterize, bioseparate and biointegrate bioactive compounds in foods.
5:00 - 5:15 PM
Innovation showcase: Jaiswal Lab
5:15 - 5:45 PM
5:45 - 7:30 PM
Wine Tasting
We rely on our senses to categorize aspects of our food, such as flavors. How might we use our senses to experience food in a different way? Come join us for a one-of-a-kind sensory evening designed specifically for this conference. This interactive, educational, and entertaining evening will engage your senses. In this tasting, participants will truly be able to let their guard down and learn about aromas, wine, and how wine is so much more than the social beverage we sip at parties or at dinner. This wine tasting is supported by Givaudan.
November 7
What parts of the IoF already exist and who has built it?
8:00 - 8:30 AM
Registration & Breakfast
8:30 - 8:45 am
8:45 - 9:15 AM
André Laperrière
Executive Director, Secretariat for GODAN--Global Open Data for Agriculture and Nutrition
With an extensive background in data-driven strategy related to agriculture, policy, international economic development, Mr. Laperrière leads the Global Open Data for Agriculture and Nutrition initiative that seeks to support global efforts to make agricultural and nutritionally relevant data available, accessible, and usable for unrestricted use worldwide to solve long-standing global problems related to food.
9:15 - 10:15 AM
Session 6: Tools for Building the Internet of Food
What are the tools available to build the Internet of Food?
Matthew Lange, PhD (moderator)
Founder, IC-FOODS
Dr. Lange is well versed in food, biological, and health sciences as well as cutting edge food, beverage, information and education technologies. He guides teams toward design, build, and implementation of knowledge environs enabling end-users to make new and insightful discoveries, create new products, and improve human living conditions.
Medha Devare
Senior Research Fellow & Module Lead, CGIAR Big Data for Agriculture Platform
Medha is deeply involved in agricultural research, bioinformatics, data and knowledge management, and ontology development and semantic web technology. Currently leading CGIAR's Big Data Platform for Agriculture project work.
10:15 - 10:30 AM
Innovation showcase: Passio
10:30 - 11:00 AM
11:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Blockchain technology can lend its distributed and secure features towards increased trust, transparency, and collaboration in our food system.
Alexa Beaver (moderator)
Digital Innovation Manager, BASF
Alexa is passionate about the use of data, technology, and market-based solutions to catalyze positive environmental and social impact. A chemical engineer by training, her diverse experience spans everything from evaluating sustainable biofuel feedstocks in Argentina to spearheading market development at a blockchain startup.
CEO, Ripe.io
ripe.io is a blockchain for food implementation leveraging connected technologies such as IOT, cloud, algorithms, machine learning and blockchains to help solve large, global problems around food.
Alex Voto
West Coast Regional Director, ConsenSys
Alex Voto has actively engaged experts and practitioners in the blockchain technology ecosystem, applying foresight and design thinking to anticipate long-term social, economic, and political impact areas. His focus lies at the intersection of economic design, peer-to-peer technology, and social change.
12:00 - 12:15 PM
Innovation Showcase: Ripe.io
12:15 - 1:15 PM
Lunch & Consortium meeting
1:15 - 2:15 PM
Session 8: FLAVOR
What will it take to build computable models of flavor? Can we digitize and reproduce taste and flavor?
Founder, Academie voor Gastronomie
Peter developed a widely adopted theory on flavor classification and wine and food pairing.
Jonathan builds models of taste and flavor for AI systems to enable recipe recommendation and generation systems that can reason over how food actually tastes.
Jason Cohen
Founder & CEO, Analytical Flavor Systems
Jason Cohen's company, Analytical Flavor Systems, helps producers in the food & beverage industry make data-based decisions beginning with taste alone. He combines using sensory science, analytical chemistry, and data mining to aid in product development.
2:15 - 2:30 PM
Innovation Showcase: Wellio
2:30 - 3:45 PM
Session 9: Personalized food
How might we leverage the semantic web of food to demystify and simplify personalized diets?
Kevin Brown
CEO and Co-Founder, Innit
Kevin is an accomplished entrepreneur and executive, with experience in the networking, storage, cloud and security sectors. He is the CEO and Co-founder of Innit, a platform that combines personalized culinary and nutritional science with cutting edge IT to power the emerging Connected Food ecosystem.
Fabrizio Milo
CTO, PassioLife
Fabrizio Milo is the CTO of Passio, an artificial intelligence startup creating enterprise tools for food tracking and virtual nutrition advice. Fabrizio is interested in leveraging deep learning, big data and distributed computing to digitalize nutrition and discover algorithms that allow individuals to select nutrition perfectly tailored to their needs.
3:45 - 4:00 PM
Innovation Showcase: Innit
4:00 - 4:15 PM
4:15 - 5:15 PM
Session 10: Food Waste
How might the Internet of Food curb food waste?
Chris Hunt
Senior Advisor, ReFED: ReThink Food Waste
Chris serves as senior advisor for ReFED (Rethink Food Waste), where he supports the multi-stakeholder collaborative’s efforts to reduce U.S. food waste by providing strategic input on communications, stakeholder engagement, and content development.
5:15 - 6:15 PM
How can we find new ways to address the world's food issues?
José Francisco Pelaez Peña
Project Manager, Basque Culinary Institute
Jose works with Project Gastronomia, a global network of gastronomic influence that blends disciplines, shares knowledge and cooperates to address one question from several perspectives: How can we create the gastronomy and food system of 2050?
6:15 - 6:45 PM
7:00 PM
Gala Dinner at Russell Ranch
november 8
How shall we proceed to design, assemble, and build the IoF?
8:00 - 8:30 AM
Registration & Breakfast
8:30 - 8:45 AM
8:45 - 9:00 AM
Daphne Miller
Family Physician and Author, WholeFamilyMD
Practicing family physician, Clinical Professor at UCSF and Lecturer at UC Berkeley, Daphne Miller’s research and writing bridges health care and food production. Her most recent book Farmacology: Total Health from the Ground Up focuses on the connections between soil health and human health. Her work aims to reduce the health footprint of our current food system.
9:00 - 10:00 AM
The future of our food system depends on the practices implemented today. How might the Internet of Food prevent food waste while ensuring a continuous supply without depleting our valuable resources?
Tom Tomich (moderator)
Professor and Director, UC Davis
Tom Tomich has broad interests and experience in agriculture, including agroforestry and other farming systems; economic development strategy and policy; hunger and food policy; and natural resource management (trees, forests, land, water, air).
Daniel Kurzrock
Co-Founder, ReGrained
Dan Kurzrock is the co-founder and Chief Grain Officer of ReGrained, a sustainable foodtech startup that is closing the loop on grains rescued from beer production through edible upcycling. Dan founded ReGrained out of his hobby for homebrewing beer, where he first discovered that the grain left behind by beer could be given a delicious second life.
10:00 - 10:15 AM
10:15 AM - 12:00 PM
Workshop 1, Part A: IoF at the intersection of design and policy for food system transformation in the circular economy
Workshop 2 Part A: IoF for Food, Flavor and People Phenotype DevElopment
Matthew Lange
Founder, IC-FOODS
Dr. Lange is well versed in food, biological, and health sciences as well as cutting edge food, beverage, information and education technologies. He guides teams toward design, build, and implementation of knowledge environs enabling end-users to make new and insightful discoveries, create new products, and improve human living conditions.
Damion Dooley
Scientific Programmer, University of British Columbia
Since 2013, Damion Dooley has been a key part of the Genome Canada funded IRIDA.CA project, with a focus on biomedical ontology development. Two decades of leading the technical side of internet startups have given him in-depth experience in facing the challenges of industry, academic, and public health agency informatics.
Workshop 3 Part A: IoF for food expertise, education, and community
Jeff Piestrak
Digital Collections Specialist, Cornell University
Directly involved in frontline ag and food systems work for many years, Jeff Piestrak now supports food systems research, learning and outreach through his informatics work at Cornell University’s Mann Library. He’s also actively engaged with several civil society groups promoting healthy, sustainable and just food systems.
Deema Tamimi
CEO, Giving Garden
Deema is the CEO of Giving Garden, a startup focused on building local food and gardening communities with the help of technology. She has had a longtime interest in agriculture and food and is thrilled to apply her skills and expertise from the tech sector to building and promoting products, solutions and initiatives aimed at fixing our food system.
12:00 - 1:00 PM
Lunch and Poster Session
1:00 - 2:00 PM
Workshop 1, Part B
Workshop 2, Part B
Workshop 3: Part B
2:00 - 2:30 PM
2:30 - 3:00 PM
Workshop C: Cross-Pollination
3:00 - 3:15 PM
Closing comments